'As We Were'

'As We Were'

          Within this book :-

This portrait of Edwardian and Georgian Woolhampton and Midgham tells a story unique to these villages and also reflects national events.  The book holds descriptions of the Coronation celebrations of King Edward VII and George V and the impact on the villages of the First World War.  The post-war period saw the building of local authority housing in both villages, an increase in the number of motor vehicles, opportunities for the employment outside the local community and the possibilities to travel further afield by charabanc or train to enjoy a day trip or holiday.  Records indicate that schooldays were more relaxed than previously with visits to London Zoo, a day viewing the sights of the capital and excursions to the seaside.  Alas, the roads became dangerous due to the increase in largely unregulated traffic, and accidents increased causing children to abandon street games.  This, in 1931, was to lead to the demolition of considerable parts of Woolhampton in the interest of road widening.

"Surely this must be essential reading for anyone who has ever had anything to do with the villages, yet still totally fascinating to any outsider with an interest in the the way we were then" - Newbury Weekly News.

It contains 269 pages plus 40 photographs and illustrations - available through John Trigg or the Woolhampton Village Shop.

click here to see some examples

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